The Alkaline Diet, also known as the Acid Alkaline Diet, Alkaline Acid Diet, and the Alkaline Ash Diet, is an approach to eating that has been around in some form or another since the early 1920s. This is not a unified diet, but a general theory of eating based loosely on the belief that we should return to a diet that is more in keeping with our hunter-gatherer ancestors. A diet filled with minimally processed plant and animal foods.
Eating a pH-balanced diet filled with fresh vegetables and fruits will lead to better health, and weight loss for some participants, since removing the buildup of acid from our bodies will translate into weight loss.
A diet comprised of high acid-producing foods disrupts our body’s natural pH level (a range of 7.35 to 7.45). This leads to an imbalance, which causes a host of symptoms, illnesses, and even weight gain. If we switch to eating a diet that supports our body’s natural pH balance, i.e. eating low acid/high alkaline foods, we can ensure that our body’s pH balance is maintained and good health enjoyed.
Program Overview
According to the Alkaline Diet approach, almost all foods after being eaten, absorbed, and metabolized are released as either an acid or an alkaline (bicarbonate) into the blood. Diets high in acid-producing foods can wreck havoc with our body’s natural pH balance and promote the loss of essential minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium and sodium when the body tries to restore this natural equilibrium.
Our hunter-gatherer ancestors ate diets that were rich in fresh vegetables and fruits, which helped to reduce the acid build-up in our bodies. Over time, foods such as grains, meats, cheeses and dairy, which are high acid producers, were consumed in greater quantity, and fresh vegetables and fruit consumption in lesser amounts. To maintain a proper pH balance, we, therefore, need to return to eating a diet similar to our ancestors, i.e. high in whole and natural foods and low in acid.
Followers of the Alkaline Diet approach recommend consuming a diet that is comprised 75% of alkaline-producing foods and 25% of acid-based foods. Examples of alkaline-producing foods include vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts and grains, and sprouts. Acid-based foods include meats, dairy products, and convenience foods.
Plan Strengths
Supporters of this approach insist that participants do not need to eliminate any foods from their diets, just simply learn to eat foods that are high in acid in moderation. Additionally, the approach does receive high marks for encouraging the consumption of whole foods, and raw fruits and vegetables.
Supporters of the approach claim the program:
- Increases energy, concentration and focus – by eliminating the acids that build up in your body, bogging you down.
- Helps with losing weight – Weight gain is caused by acid build up in the body. If you can effectively remove excess acids and corresponding fat cells, and you will lose weight.
- Eliminates digestion problems, acid reflux and heartburn.
- Reduces aging – the Alkaline Diet is high in antioxidants, which help to get rid of free radicals that cause wrinkles and signs of aging.
- Solves skin problems – an acidic body is the primary culprit of skin problems.
Plan Weaknesses
The primary charge leveled against the Alkaline Diet is there are no large clinical trials that support this approach. While conventional medicine does agree a high alkaline diet is helpful in preventing kidney stones, osteoporosis and the degeneration of muscle tone, the consensus is that there is no validity to the “science” behind this approach.
Critics argue that the body has a natural tendency to self-regulate and correct its pH balance without help, and that contrary to what proponents of the approach claim, it is impossible for the body to achieve and maintain an imbalanced pH for a prolonged time.
People with acute or chronic kidney disease should not participate, and individuals with pre-existing heart disease, or who are on medications that affect potassium levels, should consult with their physician before undertaking.
The Alkaline Diet receives high marks for promoting the consumption of whole foods and raw fruits and vegetables, and its apparent support of eating foods in moderation. However, without any clinical trial evidence to prove its validity, its potential benefits in terms of long-term health and weight loss are merely speculative. With that said, there is some evidence that a high alkaline/low acid diet may prove beneficial in preventing a few specific health concerns (i.e. kidney stones, osteoporosis, and muscle tone degeneration).
The information provided here is for educational or informational purposes only. Dave DePew does not endorse any of the programs/services reviewed here.
Additional Resources
Alkaline Diet,
Alkaline Acid Diet on,
Essence of Life – Alkaline Diet
Alkaline Diets and Cancer: Fact or Fiction?,IHW|~st,24479|~r,WSIHW000|~b,*