Exercise daily and eat healthily! Only what type of foods and possibly supplements can be taken to target “bad” cholesterol, LDL-low density lipoproteins? For starters to lower LDL Cholesterol levels it’s important to have a diet that includes a variety of foods that provide soluble fiber. Here are many of the foods that contain a […]
Category: Nutrition
Food & Supplements That May Increase Melanin Production Part 1
Why would you want to increase melanin? Well, research has found that melanin may help protect the skin from dangerous cancer-causing UV rays. By increasing melanin, you may potentially block processes in the body that lead to skin cancer. How great would it be if we could consume specific foods and supplements that can increase […]
Foods and Supplements for Liver Support
First, it’s important to note that no food or supplement alone is known to reverse existing liver damage, and it will not cure infection from the hepatitis B or hepatitis C virus. The following foods and supplements have been shown to support liver function: Foods: Blueberries, raspberries, and cranberries. Bananas. Avocado. Barley. Beets and beet […]
Paleo Diet Review
Introduction The Paleo Diet, also known as the Stone Age Diet or the Caveman Diet, was first popularized in the 1970s. It is based on the book The Paleo Diet written by Loren Cordain Ph.D. who argues that we need to eat wholesome, contemporary foods from food groups that our ancestors during the Paleolithic era […]
Want Milk?
One of the more popular marketing campaigns of the last decade has been the one mounted by the milk industry. Who hasn’t seen the advertisements with well-known celebrities sporting fake milk mustaches, clutching a glass of milk, and asking you if you have “Got Milk?” Well, we definitely have milk, but the bigger question may […]
Selecting, Buying and Cooking Fish
In a previous article, I talked about the benefits of incorporating fish and seafood into your diet. The health benefits of eating fish and seafood twice a week are well researched but some people may still hesitate simply because they are not sure of what type of fish to buy, how to select, or even […]
Dirty Meat Takes a Toll
It seems like every few months when we turn on the news, we are hearing about another meat recall. E coli contamination is an often-used reason and not surprising considering the USDA has reported that 60 percent of the largest meat plants in the US have failed to meet federal food safety regulations for preventing […]
Is Eating Seafood Good or Bad?
Seafood is a great low-fat, high-quality protein. It’s filled with valuable Omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins such as D and B2, and is rich in calcium and minerals like iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium, and potassium. Unfortunately, research over the last few years has alerted consumers to a few concerns. Primarily that harmful substances such as […]
Medifast Diet
Introduction In the early 1980s, a John Hopkins University physician developed the Medifast program for surgical patients as a way to lose weight quickly prior to surgery. Once only available through a physician’s office, the program is now available in the mainstream diet market and can be undertaken without the approval of a physician. Promise […]
The Radiation Diet
Introduction History is marked by environmental disasters that have resulted in people being exposed to radiation. While the devastating disaster of Japan is still unfolding, and the full extent of the damage is unlikely to be known for some time, there have been other events that come to mind. Russia’s Chernobyl and the U.S.’s Three […]